«Scientific equipment» group of companies (Novosibirsk)

nauchnoe oborudovanie«Scientific equipment» group of companies (Novosibirsk) was formed in 1999. The main company’s activity is the high-tech equipment supply to educational, research and industrial companies of Siberia and Russian Far East.

The company’s staff consists of highly qualified technical specialists with their own scientific work background. Our specialists regularly gain new equipment knowledge, including new approaches in tools creation, visit international exhibitions and training seminars from manufacturers. We provide the most modern solution for each customer's issue. Specialized scientific specialists in customer issues solution are actively involved due to Existing working relationships with multiple laboratories of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SBRAS). In addition, we organize workshops and seminars to provide our customers with a unique opportunity to try the latest equipment in order to resolve their issues.


«Vacuum Service» company (Zelenograd)

vacuum service«Vacuum Service» company is a dynamically developing company which main activity is the vacuum equipment production and maintenance.

«Vacuum Service» company has gained an extensive background in the vacuum equipment application, supply and maintenance for a huge work period in both Russian Federation and CIS markets.

Our customers’ wishes and preferences are the most important for us. Besides we are striving to fulfill all their requests in order to resolve all the technical issues both completely and in a professional manner.

Our vacuum equipment proved its first place in both Russian Federation as well as all due to the highest manufacturing quality and effective work it provides its customers with.


The Russian Association of Pump Manufacturers (RPSA)

photo 2018 04 19 12 54 32 21The Russian Association of Pump Manufacturers (RPSA) is specialized organizations community, being rather active participants in the Russian pumping equipment market. The association includes pumps and face seals manufacturers as well as specialized leading universities departments and several reputable dealers as well.


«Finval» group of companies


Being founded in 1991, «Finval» group of companies today occupies a leading position in the integrated engineering solutions development, as well as industrial and auxiliary equipment, tools and accessories deliveries intended for engineering enterprises in various industries, including:

  • Aerospace industry
  • Aviation industry
  • Automotive engineering
  • Power engineering and shipbuilding
  • Medical industry
  • Oil and gas industry
  • Instrument making and electronic industry

«FINVAL» Group of Companies in the Russian Federation market provides world famous brands’ engineering solutions, equipment and tools:

  • Mazak (Japan)
  • Mitutoyo (Japan)
  • Sandvik Coromant (Sweden)
  • SCHMETZ (Germany)
  • BMI (France)
  • Hanwha (South Korea)
  • Hwacheon (South Korea)
  • Hamai (Japan)
  • WF (Germany)
  • Simpac (South Korea)
  • etc.

We managed to successfully implement over 500 engineering projectsa as well as to successfully supply over 2000 equipment pieces for various fields enterprises.


Industrial development fund

frp text

Industrial development fund was founded for the Russian Federation industry modernization, new productions organization as well as the import substitution provision. The fund was created in 2014 at the Russian Federation Industry and Trade Ministry’s initiative by transforming the Russian Foundation for Technological Development.

The Foundation provides preferential co-financing projects terms which goal is new high-tech products and technical re-equipment development as well as competitive industries creation based on the best technologies available.

The foundation provides targeted loans at a rate of 1%, 3% and 5% per annum for up to 7 years in the amount of 5 to 750 million ruble while stimulating an direct investment inflow in the real economy sector in order to implement new industrial projects.


Contact details

600031, Vladimir,
Dobroselskaya st., 212.
+7 (4922) 77-85-24
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