Hwacheon M2-5АХ multifunctional 5-axis CNC machining center


Y axis Hwacheon Hi-Tech 450BL YSMC turning and milling machining center (4 axes)

Hwacheon Hi Tech 450BL YSMC

CV1200 Vertical milling center equipped with a rotary table and 4-axis machining opportunity

CV 1200

Litz LT-350 CNC Lathe

LT 350

TETRIX 401 invertor type welding machine

Hwacheon VESTA 1050B CNC vertical milling machining center (equipped with 4th axis)

Vesta 1050

CV800 vertical milling machining center (4 axes)

CV 800

Supertec STP-1834ADS (800x400) surface grinding machine

SPT 1834

Sodick AG400L LN2W CNC spark wire cutting machine


DMG Mori Eco Line 50 CNC machining center (3+2 axes)

DMU 50

CNC turning and milling center with turret, power tool and Litz LT-400M barfeeder

LT 400

«John Shipman» precision and high-performance grinding CNC profile grinding machine model 524EASY

524 Easy

Contact details

600031, Vladimir,
Dobroselskaya st., 212.
+7 (4922) 77-85-24
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